Parents’ Association (AMPA)

Family Involvement
Parents are the first and primary responsible for the education of their sons and daughters. It is they who, from infancy, both formally and informally, transmit and teach values, attitudes, behavior patterns, and habits that will have a fundamental importance in the formation of their children. The family should not, in reality, and indeed cannot, transfer to other institutions the functions that correspond to them in the education of their children.
Family involvement as a key factor in improving coexistence in educational centers
The right to family participation in the education of their sons and daughters is established and endorsed in the Spanish Constitution, in the Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia, and in all the Education Laws approved during democracy, considering that mothers and fathers of students should be present and actively involved in the educational process.
In the realm of participation, mothers and fathers of students have recognized, among others, the following rights:
On the other hand, as the first responsible for the education of their children, families have the following responsibilities:
The Culture of Participation in the Educational Sphere can help reduce conflicts that occur in educational centers, conflicts that, on the other hand, are inherent in any human activity, as well as resolve them in case they arise. Establishing mechanisms for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts is part of education for comprehensive development, an education that considers the development of students’ autonomy and critical thinking, their ability to make decisions, work in teams, coexist, and integrate socially.
Families can participate in the life and management of educational centers both individually, through Tutoring, and collectively, through Parent Associations and School Councils.
What is AMPA?
It is a non-profit association formed by the parents of non-university educational center students, whose purpose is to participate and intervene in the management of the center in order to improve education and achieve a climate of coexistence within it.
We are mothers and fathers willing to participate. And with our participation, we aim to increase the quality of Public or Private Schools and deepen the democratic management of the centers.
Looking back, we can see how much progress we have made since the first Parent Associations were created. However, far from a complacent attitude, we must be aware that there is still a long way to go. We have a tremendous responsibility, and we must rise to the occasion. Public or Private Schools depend, to a large extent, on our support, our ideas, and our participation. In a way, we are the sculptors who are designing and shaping the model of Public or Private Schools.
As parents, we want the best for our sons and daughters and for their proper personal development, so that they learn to overcome difficulties, coexist with others, respect differences, and promote an inclusive and courageous model of Public or Private Schools that not only prepares intellectually but also prepares for life and, through solidarity, improves social relationships.
Parent Associations are here because we know that negligence and passivity imply complicity with those who seek to dismantle the foundations of Public or Private Schools and want us to become discouraged and give up.
We are here because we know that we always have to step up.
We are convinced that all the entities and/or people who support Public or Private Schools and aspire to develop a participatory, democratic, and high-quality model will not tolerate any more setbacks or cuts, nor will we allow the jeopardizing of the hard-earned small achievements.
We are here ready to participate because we know that by participating, we exercise a democratic and constitutional right, set an example of citizenship for our children, and fulfill a civic and ethical duty to society.
One thing is very clear: there will be no quality education and good coexistence if there is no true democracy in schools, where students, their families, and Parent Associations are taken into great consideration when it comes to opinions on the educational process and its management.